Upcoming Courses

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Awakening to Life Mission: Embarking on the Caravan Quest

Live Course Dates: Thurs Jan 14 & Thurs Feb 4, 2021

Time: 9am-10am PST


  • Two sessions of guided Life Mission inquiry, offered through zoom webinars with Daniel Goodenough, along with skilled facilitator, host and Caravan Guide, James Tousignant on January 14th and February 4th, 2021
  • Two 1-hour Caravan Guide sessions for individual support with your life mission journey
  • The Caravan of Remembering ebook
  • Access to a training platform on Thinkific including readings and course materials
  • Private forum for discussion

Overview: This course explores the book, The Caravan of Remembering by Daniel Goodenough as a tool of inquiry into considering your own unique and special reason for being. This core text will be supplemented with guided self-inquiry tools, awakening practices and a sense of stepping out towards a journey towards your ‘next’, towards your life mission, and all that this calls you to be and become.

This short course is meant to serve both as an introduction to the principles of Caravan and Life Mission work, as well as serve as a toolkit to help you learn to master ‘dropping-in’ to your inner guidance system. Access your own tools of self-inquiry as the first step towards beginning the effort and practice in co-creating your ‘next’.

Course topics:

  • The Call of Life Mission
  • Life Mission, Vision and Purpose
  • Connecting to your Future
  • Life Mission Across Culture and Over Time
  • Committing to your Life Mission

This four week course includes access to training platform throughout, private forum for discussions, the e-book The Caravan of Remembering, as well as one hour-long Caravan Guide session to support you on your Quest!

Value of the course: $760 USD
Cost: $247 USD

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Life Mission Quest: Developing the Practice of Caravan

Live Course Dates: TBA 2021

Time: 9am-10am PST

Includes: Twelve weeks of guided Life Mission inquiry, offered through zoom webinars with author of The Caravan of Remembering, Daniel Goodenough, along with skilled facilitator, host and Caravan Guide, James Tousignant.

Overview: This course continues with the richness of the offerings from the book, The Caravan of Remembering by Daniel Goodenough. This core text will be supplemented with guided self-inquiry tools, awakening practices and a sense of stepping out towards a journey towards your ‘next’, towards your life mission, and all that this calls you to be and become.

This comprehensive course is offered as an intensive training to help you make the changes you want to see in your life, your relationships and your world.

Moving forward from the known ideas of what you think it means to have a life mission, towards an embodiment of living day to day in the flow of guidance, this training moves you from living an idea into self-direction action.

Drawing from masters such as Plato, Freud, Victor Frankl, Milton Erikson, James Hillman, Joseph Campbell and considering ideas and sacred teachings from traditions and disciplines such as: Sufi, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, this training fulfills a deep knowing that unites and unifies across all cultures and practices. Disciplines such as Medical studies, Science and Spiritual Intelligence research are also considered.

Course topics:

  • Change your Life: The Caravan of Remembering
  • Committing to a Process
  • Finding the Healing Story of your Life
  • Considering your Life Mission
  • Remembering your Life Mission
  • Change your World: Dawning of a New Way
  • Moving into the World

This twelve week course includes access to training platform throughout, private forum for discussions, the e-book The Caravan of Remembering, as well as six hour-long Caravan Guide sessions to support you on your Quest!

Value of the course: $2,490 USD
Cost: $847 USD (save $100 if registered by Jan 3rd)