The Caravan of Remembering - A Road Map for Your Life's Mission
Questions about right livelihood and life’s mission have been an important part of every world religion and philosophy, from Buddha to Freud, Jung and Maslow.
As the story opens, David, a graphic designer in Chicago, is heading home after a particularly meaningless day at work. His life appears solid and satisfying on the outside, and in truth he feels he’s reached a new low point; he’s on a path he simply can’t continue. Like many of us, David is at a crossroads.
He hears a mysterious female voice calling him, leading him to a desert world outside of time, where pilgrims seek the “high story,” or deepest meaning of their lives. In a style as subtle and evocative as the shifting desert sands, Daniel Goodenough immerses the reader in a mystical world.
As David does the work of journaling and remembering, the fog begins to lift; his life will never be the same. Reading his story, you also do the work of connecting and remembering in your own life.
The Caravan of Remembering invites you into your own process of life mission contemplation and discovery.
- Written as a fictional experiential journey that engages you to reflect on your own journey in a contemplative context.
- Integrates material and spiritual worlds in ways that are viable, practical motivational and enduring.
- Unique and time-tested material, grounded in the Daniel Goodenough’s 30 years of working with thousands of life mission seekers.
- Inclusive of all spiritual paths and traditions, many of which are highlighted in the book.
- Timeless teachings of many spiritual paths woven into the story, speaking to the larger life mission thread on the spiritual journey.
- An extensive curriculum of exercises to support you through your “purpose process”.
In the clip below, Daniel shares about the overarching structure of The Caravan of Remembering.
In the clip below, Daniel shares about the transformation of the primary character, David, throughout the book.

Daniel Goodenough has invested a lifetime of research to discover and the create processes, services, systems, and platforms to support individuals, teams and enterprises to live their vision, and unique life mission in the way the world most needs it done. This began with living personal dreams as a touring musician and recording artist, obtaining a fine arts degree, working in the field of science, cofounding a graphic arts design studio as illustrator and designer.
Turning over the design studio to his partner he left Chicago to work as a trainer for the International Success Institute. Together with Kimberly Herkert, Daniel cofounded The Way of the Heart in 1988, to train life mission and offer a full complement of personal development courses. After years of “life coaching” already, as the field of life coaching became a recognized profession he was certified as life coach in 1995. Daniel has developed over 14 classes in life mission along the way.
Daniel brings this background to a deep understanding of and profound commitment to empowering others to manifest their life missions – and do it artfully skillfully and sacredly. He published The Caravan of Remembering in 2016 offer people a way to work with their life mission inquiry as a more self-directed pathway that includes a community of support.
Daniel currently resides in Colorado.
The Caravan of Remembering is available for purchase at:
AMAZON.COM: | Direct From Heart's Way Press: | E-Book also available on: Nook