Treat the journey of your life as extraordinary.
Bring presence to moments of great decision.
Go beyond the boundary of who you think you are.

The Caravan of Remembering: A Roadmap to Experiencing the Awakening of your Life's Mission is a fictional experiential journey based on Daniel Goodenough's approach to life mission.
Through the work of Caravan of Remembering, you'll be able to develop skill to:
- connect to your inner sense of knowing about why you are here, who you are here to become and what you are here to do
- sense into what is emerging in your life now and how to respond to that
- be present to the call of your life's mission as you move through your day
- live into an extraordinary life
This work is a practice and a process in it's foundation. It is something you can use today and bring into the rest of your life. The life mission conversation is every changing and growing as we and the world around us changes and grows. We are happy to walk with you in the journey.