Caravan Oasis Cards

Inspire your day with this collection of quotes from The Caravan of Remembering by Daniel Goodenough.

To make the most of your card 'reading', here are a few steps you could follow:

Step 1: Prepare by taking a moment to inhale and exhale.

Step 2: Choose a card by clicking on it. You may choose up to 3 cards.

Step 3: Read the card(s) a few times, allowing the words to sink in a little deeper each time.

Step 4: Note what words or phrases stands out to you. Come back to that word or phrase throughout the day, being present to its impact and invitation.

Caravan Oasis Cards

Your Card

Everything you have in the way of a gift is meant for something you agreed to do during the journey.

You were given something for every intention of your life.

Your Card

The journey of holding the intention to become the vision of what is possible for your life, of living the question of why you are in the horizontal world, will in itself transform you.

Your Card

It matters that we remember. If it were true that we brought our gifts with us, would it make sense that it was important to remember?

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