Careers of Tomorrow

Discover Your Path: Careers of Tomorrow for Today's Students

The 15+ Career Future: Are You Ready?

Did you know? As a student today, you'll likely have more than 15 different careers in your lifetime! Even more exciting—many jobs you'll have in the future haven't even been invented yet.

So how do you prepare for a future that's still being created?

The New Career Journey: Choose Your Own Adventure

PAST: One Path, One Career

Twenty years ago, the formula was simple: Study hard → Get specific job training → Work in that career for life.

NOW: Your Unique Journey

Today's reality is much more exciting! You can:

  • Explore multiple interests simultaneously
  • Build transferable skills across different fields
  • Change directions as new opportunities emerge
  • Create career paths that didn't exist before

Good news: You don't need to choose one career for your entire life. You just need to discover your direction and build skills along the way.

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Find Your Direction: 3 Fun Explorations (5 Minutes Each)

1. Your Collections Reveal Your Passions

What to do: Look around your room at things you collect or used to collect—books, games, apps, music, anything!

Why it matters: Your collections hold clues about what naturally interests you.

Ask yourself: "What patterns do I see in the things I'm drawn to?"

2. Your Heroes Show Your Values

What to do: Think about people you follow on social media, celebrities, fictional characters, or superheroes you admire.

Why it matters: The qualities you admire in others often reflect what you value most.

Ask yourself: "What specific qualities do I admire in these people? What questions would I ask them?"

3. Your Sense of Beauty Points to Your Purpose

What to do: Identify what you find truly beautiful or meaningful in the world.

Why it matters: Your unique definition of beauty connects to your deeper purpose.

Ask yourself: "If my life centered around creating more of what I find beautiful, what would I do differently?"

Remember: This exploration isn't a one-time activity. Return to these questions regularly as you grow and discover new aspects of yourself!

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"There is a greatness you are meant to be a part of."

            ~ The Caravan of Remembering

Hear From Life Mission Expert Daniel Goodenough

Daniel Goodenough, author of The Caravan of Remembering, shares insights about navigating today's rapidly changing career landscape:

Daniel Goodenough shares his own journey of having a career now that when he began, wasn't invented yet.

Daniel shares more about changing our careers multiple times in a single life time.

Daniel explores the way many of us today have multiple interests and areas of work at the same time.

Now that you've begun exploring your next, here are some ways you can continue the exploration...

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